Thursday, 18 November 2010


To get all of our students out of classes we had to blue-card each one of them, making sure that the teachers sign and therefore allow them to miss classes to be in our shoot.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Shooting Schedule

Shooting Schedule

8:30am Cast (Band) meets in No10
- get into costume + make-up
9:00am Shoot starts in the Studio

- band performance (60’s)
10:00am Studio
- audience (60’s)

10:30am Studio

- transition from 60’s into modern (audience)

11:00am Studio
 - modern audience

11:30am Studio


- meet back at 1:45

2:00pm Studio/Corridor

- Paula walking through corridor (both versions)

3:00pm Studio

- missing shots of Paula

3:30pm BEDROOM

- SET - UP

4:00pm Bedroom

- getting ready shots

4:30pm OUTSIDE

- SET - UP

5:00pm Outside

- entering shots

5:30pm INSIDE

- TV zoom in

still needed: Blue screen for TV + Hugo Presenter Shots !!

Friday, 5 November 2010

Poster Ideas

This is a poster of the yardbirds, probably not ideal for us because it doesn't have a picture of the artist on it. However we will use the text from this poster because it is more english.

This poster is rather perfect because of the colour combination red-black-white because we want to have a black and white shot on it and also colour and the fact that there is so much red in it would emphazise the fact that it is in colour then. Furthermore it has a picture of the artist on it which we could use.

Another good poster, however I don't think the colour combination works.

This poster is a good poster, however it doesn't work because it doesn't show the artist.

Good poster, but more as a Cover of the artist. Also it is too 60's and it has to work for both, modern and 60's so we'll go for the red one.

OUR Star Image

Our star is called Jack Thomson and we want him to be an organic artist and a true artist. He plays the guitar and the harmonica himself and is a true singer. He is an artist such as Paolo Nutini, good looking and "the goody".

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

The Star Image












60's Camera

Marconi V322
Period: from the beginning of 1960's to the end of 1970's
Type: Broadcast TV cameras
Quantity: 2 specimens available

Not strictly a 'broadcast' camera, but certainly a quality vidicon camera. The V322 was intended for industrial and educational studio applications and saw widespread use with educational bodies and in corporate training/promo facilities. Not to mention a few broadcasters too! The camera appears here on a 'Dennard' pedestal. Click on the image to see the reverse aspect.

This is the camera that we found on goldenagetv and I have contacted Paul Marshall and he said we could pick it up in Sessex for our shoot day for about 150 pounds.

This is the e-mail I received -

“Hello Stephanie,

The address is:

Fern House

Church Road




NG23 7ED

It's actually 8 miles west of Lincoln, just a few miles off of the A1 Newark A46 turn off. It's a cream coloured detached house, the first (and only) one on Church Road, There's a very large green barn to the left containing most of the stock and a 34' long television OB truck to the right. It's fairly easy to find . . .

We normally operate with Purchase Order and Invoice to be paid by cheque or BACS. Cash is OK but we will still need some sort of *official* order, a formal e mail or a letter in the post with your company letter head. The price is as agreed at 150 UKP for one day. The 'one day' is flexible in that you could pick it up a day or two before and return a day or two later. The hire charge reflects one 'used' day.

Beware that the pedestal is heavy (so too is the camera). It does break up into a 'skid' and the central column with the legs folding in. It will go in a car/small van.

Hope this is all OK

Many thanks,

Best regards,

Paul Marshall

Partner, GATV”

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Organizing Costumes for Cast (e-mail)

This is the final version of our Pop Video Cast

Will Teal - Lead Singer

Tom Evans - Guitar

Sam Hindmarsh - Bass

Jamie Parker - Drums

Glen Pegado - Bongos

Paula Riemann - Lead Girl

Helen Lageder, Courtney Madincea, Tabitha Brown, Emma Stack - Audience Members

The shoot day is the 25th of November and we will send you the shooting schedule as soon as it is finished. Please come with you hair undone so we can then do it for you. You'll be given costumes for when you should look like you are 60's, however when you are meant to look modern we were hoping that you have your own clothes.

If you are a member of the band please, as a modern outfit, wear normal shoes (not white), dark jeans and bring a "good" looking t-shirt and a white shirt in. If you are an audience member pease wear whatever you would wear if you were going to a concert of a rock band. If you are the lead girl (Paula) please wear your biker boots, skinny jeans (either dark blue or black) and bring in about 5 different tops you would wear at a rock concert so we can then decide what looks best.

As well as this for the boys and the audience members, we will sort out 60's outfits which you will have to try on, so please send me an e-mail telling me when you have some free time (probably just about 10 minutes) so that we can see whether it fits and looks good or not. Please also send me a mail with your shoe and clothing size.

Thanks already, I hope you are looking forward to the shoot and thanks for being in it.

Steph, Emma and Chazz

Monday, 1 November 2010

The Ideologies of the Music Industry

Keith Negus has published a book, called "Producing Pop". These are some of the best quotes from the book. "What I'm looking for is the working act. The real act. The act that can get up on stage and do it. That act will give you a career. I signed Black Sabbath umpteen years ago; they are still making records. These are acts that are career acts... Two years ago I started a dance label... Now that's not a career orientated label. I mean those records are non-off situations and every now and again maybe you'll get an artist come out of it." "When I first started it was more about going out and finding bands. That method is becoming more and more redundant. More and more these days I find it's as much about: I sit here and think "there's really a gao in the market for this kind of project...". I don't go out to gigs. That's not how I find my stuff. It comes through various writers and producers. So if a writer comes in he may have some great songs and maybe is looking for a front person. Or maybe I have the front person who I want to launch into the market but I haven't got the songs. So you put the two together."

Keith Negus identifies two distinct ways of thinking about potential artists from within the music industry. These ideologies shape the way in which the artists' images and careers are developed, and the way that they are marketed towards specific target audiences. The organic ideology of creativity and the synthetic ideology of creativity.

THE ORGANIC IDEOLOGY OF CREATIVITY a naturalistic approach to artists. Furthermore the seeds of success are within the artists, who have to be "nurtured" by the record company. The image of the artist is "enhanced" by the record company and the artist is given time to envolve and progress through their career.

Emphasis is given to album sales and the construction of a successful back catalogue. This is often aimed at older or more sophisticated consumers. Profits generated by this kind of act tend to be part of a long term strategy by the record company.

A combinatorial approach to artists and material. Executives attempt to construct successful acts out of the artists and the songs at their disposal. The image of the artist is often constructed by the record company. The artist will be given a short time to prove their success before other combinations will be tried out. Emphasis is given to single sales and to promoting first albums. Often aimed at younger, less sophisticated audiences. Profits generated by this kind of artist tend to be part of an immediate, short term strategy by the record company.

In practice, the success of synthetic acts will fund the development and investment in organic acts. Most big record labeld will look at balance their roster with a combination of successful synthetic and organic acts to ensure that there are funds available for the day-to-day running of the company as well as long term profit making potential.
--> There are clear distinctions between the ways in which different types of artists are represented to ensure short term or long term success. Organic acts are often sold on their "authenticity", both musically and socially. The image of the artist appears "unconstructed" (although, of course, this is in itself a carefully constructed look). Synthetic acts are often sold on their "look" or personalities. The image of the artist is carefully and unashamedly constructed.