Tuesday, 3 November 2009

My Thriller Idea

My Thriller Idea was to have 2 Girls sitting in a room and having a Girls-Evening. They invited a third one to make fun of her and as they are sitting there you can always see something evil in her eyes. As she goes to the toilette die other girls talk about the special "Halloween-Game" where you write "DEVIL" with lipstick on the mirror and when you turn the lights out a ghost will come out to kill you. They do it and as the girl comes out the toillette they turn the lights out and the audience sees that the girl coming out of the mirror is actually the third one. As nothing happens the two girls put the lights back on and the third one turns around to make the light out. The two girls scream because they are getting killed and the screen is dark except of the letters which spin around and form the title.
To give you a more detailed explanation i will put the Powerpoint Presentation onto this Blog!

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