Monday, 25 January 2010

Effectiveness of pre-production

During the time of planning our Thriller Production we changed our idea plenty of times and people came in to help us evaluate what is good and what isn’t. At the beginning we had the idea of somebody walking out of the car, going to a house where nobody is in, getting back in the car, having flashbacks of children with masks and then leaving the house by car until the child stands in the middle of the road. This idea was changed to our final story which I have uploaded onto my blog. From this I learned that there is more to do with making a movie than simply having an idea. I learned that making a movie is kind of doing a puzzle because to make it look good everything has to fit together somehow. For example we wanted to use “potato-sack-masks”, but our film wasn’t set in the country-side so that would have been pointless. Therefore we used sheets of bedlinen because this fits to the rest of our production.

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