Monday, 18 October 2010

Storyboard Process

After choosing our initial idea, we started producing our storyboards. Our initial idea was, that we had the setting of a 60's television show and we would simply have shots of the band performing live as well as the audiences reaction to the band. However then we were told that this wasn't enough and so we thought we bring in elements of the modern would that have been invented in the 60's but are still accurate today to represent a connection between the two. We came up with the Car MINI, as it was invented in the 60's but there are newer versions of the car today and it is very popular as well. Furthermore we wanted to play on the style element according to fashion and looked at the mini skirts and typical 60's fashion, that are becoming popular again today. Then we would dress the audience and the main female fan of the band and the band itself in 60's fashion, but make a transition to them in modern fashion, however in 60's style.

However we then figured that actually doing the whole efford with getting the car and fashion together because in the end it wouldn't actually look very good. Therefore we skipped the idea and figured that there were other ways to create the modern-60's transition. Then we came up with the idea that we just stick to the 60's studio, but to make it more interesting and to get the connection with the moden world we would blue-screen all the instruments the band is playing on and we would have cut-aways to fans writing modern stuff on the instruments and as they are playing the images and writings would appear. However we figured that the blue-screen paint would cost a lot of money and actually it wouldn't work perfectly and look blurry or might not work at all, because while the instruments are being played there would be shadows which would create a different type of blue and then the blue-screen wouldn't work.
Then we came up with the idea that we could just actually paint the instruments so we wouldn't have the issue with the blue-screen - however this would lead to the fact that we would need at least 5 different guitars + 5 different drums etc and the transitions between half-painted etc wouldn't look great at all.

So we skipped that idea even though we all really liked it - but we liked the element that there were some things in colour and some weren't so we came up with the idea that we could have eveything in black and white except the band playhing and their instruments which would then be in colour. However this would look good being shot in two layers, however it wouldn't actually say or signify anything so we skipped part of that as well.

Moving on we realized that we had Paula Riemann as the actress for the main girl who is a great dancer and we thought we could have her coming in being a great fan of the band trying to get through them and we would split the screen and have her in black and white on the one side in a 60's style and on the other side dressed very modern and in colour. Then she would come in and dance. However we didn't actually like the whole split screen idea and also this would make the whole video about the girl and we didn't really want to do that either. However then we figured that she could actually be the one making sure that it becomes modern and in the song that we have chosen there is a great drum break after about a minute which we wanted to use to represent the change.

Through this process we came to our finished idea which is, that basically we start off in the 60's television studio with the presenter etc. and we would have the band performing and shots of the audience but cut-aways to Paula getting ready (in colour) and she would try to enter the club modern dressed and everything is black and white except her. She walks throught the studio etc and whenever she touches some people in the audience, they become modern and in colour as well. When there is the change of sound in the music she would go and stage and start modulling the band arround for the rest of the song by givbing them a more modern style, new instruments etc and at the ende of the sound they are all in colour and also the change of lighting has changed. The last shot would be Paula walking out, happy with what shes done.

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